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Shamans and Kushtakas: North Coast Tales of the Supernatural
by Mary Giraudo Beck

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For the Tlingit and Haida peoples, both shamans and kushtakas, half man half otter spirits of those who drowned, had supernatural powers. Respect for elders and tradition as well as ascetic training helped

by Laurie Halse Anderson

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so far ive almost cried twice

Mike Fink
by James Cloyd Bowman

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This book tells the life of the legendary Mike Fink, brawler and noted keelboatman on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Nicely illustrated and full of tall tales of the rough life of the men rowing the river boats until displaced by steamboats.

11 Birthdays
by Wendy Mass

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11 birthdays is an ultimate magical present day fantasy. With its many plot twists along with other things unimaginable for example a witch in the present that works at the historical society also drives your bus! Wendy mass has definitely turned up the strangeness element a large amount compared to say the candymakers. I loved this book for the pure awesomeness of a repeating day . even the first time around it seems that something is brewing. Inside joke : the band is bad, slap your knees funny! This is an absolute need to read book! if you like either science fiction, fantasy or both.

Prisoner Of Azkaban
by J K Rowling

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Very good book/series!

Shamans and Kushtakas: North Coast Tales of the SupernaturalSupernatural
by Mary Giraudo Beck

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Kushtakas were half man-half otter, spirits of those who had drowned. These phantoms appeared to those in danger of drowning and offered to rescue them, but aimed to turn them into kushtakas too. Only those with respect for elders and traditions and a strong will from ascetic practices were able to resist these spirits. The shamans were healers and could see into the future and tried to use their powers against the kushtakas. There are beautiful illustrations at the chapter headings. This is a nice book of native American legends.

Alfred Hitchcock's Tales to Keep You Spellbound
by Eleanor Sullivan, ed.

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There are thirty stories from issues of Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, most by well-known mystery writers. This is a nice selection, perfect for summer reading

The Oath
by Frank Peretti

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This book has truly moved me. The way Peretti goes about painting the scene and developing the plot may confuse you at first, but towards the second half of the book, you come to realization of what is all points to. From the analogy of sin as the dragon, the town of Hyde River being men's attitude towards sin, and finally Levi, the despised "crazy man" just like Jesus, constantly trying to guide us away from the path of destruction, though we ignore him so much. For the christian that is getting too satisfied with life, this is a must read. Sin is crouching at the door of your heart, don't let it consume you.

10 lb. Penalty
by Dick Francis

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A frustrated teen aged steeplechase jockey agrees to help his father's campaign for a seat in Parliament. Sabotage and murder attempts ensue in this page turner. This is a quick and fun summer read.

Are You Listening
by Tillie Walden

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A dreamy, though at times tense, road trip graphic novel about running away from ones past before learning to trust in yourself. Walden's graphic novels are simultaneously rooted in real life and in fantasy and "Are You Listening?" is no different.