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We Have Always Lived In The Castle
by Shirley Jackson

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Love that this book was selected for the 2018 Community Read! Shirley Jackson's writing style flows dreamlike and makes for a fast, engaging read. The story encompasses many issues, including bullying, individual and group neuroses and the cruelty of mob mentality and attacks on anyone who is different. A perfect read for October!

The Little Friend
by Donna Tartt

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Overall, I did enjoy this book. But there was about 150 pages of BORING content in the middle, and the author seemed to use the fact that the main protagonist is 12 years old to justify her doing some REALLY senseless things... even though her main attribute is (supposed to be) classic 12-yo quick thinking. The last 50 or so pages were kill but.... the book opens with a mystery that is never solved. And ends with two characters who have NEVER mattered having a pointless conversation. It feels like they left 150 pages of boring writing in the middle and cut an extra 30 pages that should have wrapped up the end. But still, the writing was enjoyable enough that even though the plot didn't resolve as well as I wanted, I still liked the process of reading it.

Shamans and Kushtakas: North Coast Tales of the Supernatural
by Mary Giraudo Beck

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For the Tlingit and Haida peoples, both shamans and kushtakas, half man half otter spirits of those who drowned, had supernatural powers. Respect for elders and tradition as well as ascetic training helped

Sifting Through Clues
by Daryl Wood Gerber

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This Cookbook Nook Mystery featuring bookstore owner Jenna Hart is a rather formulaic cozy. The author does include some appealing recipes (including gluten free ones) in the back of the book for those who like to cook.

If We Were Villains
by Ml Rio

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I would recommend this book because it was both quick to read but also because the events of the story move quickly as well. The author does an excellent job characterizing the main 7 throughout. There are certain times when you have to be familiar with Shakespeare to get more out of the scene- for example, important references/parallels are made with both Hamlet and Pericles (among others). The Hamlet themes are easier to pick up on, since nearly everyone has read it, but with a more obscure show like Pericles I ended up googling a lot of information that effected the events of the book. But if you have ANY interest in Shakespeare (or found family dramas) then you'll probably really enjoy this book.

Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation
by Cokie Roberts

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Roberts, a longtime political commentator, has written an interesting book on the wives and mothers who participated in the American Revolution and the early political life of the Republic. Based largely on the letters women wrote to their families, friends, and political leaders, the book sheds new light on women's contributions to early American history. There are wry asides comparing life and politics then and now.

Alfred Hitchcock's Tales to Keep You Spellbound
by Eleanor Sullivan, ed.

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There are thirty stories from issues of Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, most by well-known mystery writers. This is a nice selection, perfect for summer reading

Old Books, Rare Friends
by Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine Stern

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Subtitled "Two Literary Sleuths and Their Shared Passion," this book is a joint memoir of two friends, authors, and rare book dealers. They were the ones who uncovered the blood and thunder potboilers of Louisa May Alcott published anonymously or pseudonymously and published collections of these stories, which threw a whole new light on the author of "Little Women." They enjoy their research and their special rare book finds.

11 Birthdays
by Wendy Mass

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11 birthdays is an ultimate magical present day fantasy. With its many plot twists along with other things unimaginable for example a witch in the present that works at the historical society also drives your bus! Wendy mass has definitely turned up the strangeness element a large amount compared to say the candymakers. I loved this book for the pure awesomeness of a repeating day . even the first time around it seems that something is brewing. Inside joke : the band is bad, slap your knees funny! This is an absolute need to read book! if you like either science fiction, fantasy or both.

We Are Okay
by Nina LaCour

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beautifully-written description of relationships, but little happened and the resolution felt lacking.